Dude, Only Guys! Forget All Responsibilities Tonight

"Call Me a Dog" by Temple of the Dog

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Origin of Dog Fart

The whole reason behind Dog Night was to have a night were us guys could get together talk about our feelings, trade recipe's, hug... wait, wait wait!!! NO, it was to burp, fart, scratch and well, just be guys for a night. We didn't want to become like some other men and have a sudden urge to take out the trash, flinch in terror (waiting for the 'smack') after a comment or joke, cry during a movie (except if someone wreckes a totally restored 1957 chevy, then crying is ok), knit something or heaven forbid want to "talk". Also, if we started to ask if our outfit matches or if our butt looks big in those jeans then we are surely going down the wrong path. So for one night a month, take your family jewels out of the night stand, wear the pants in the family and be a Man. The next generation of Dog Farts (aka Puppy Farts) are looking up to us to set this good example of manhood, so....
"If You Can't Hang With The Dogs, Get Out Of The Dog House!"





Upcoming Dog Night

Created by OnePlusYou









v 1.7 "The Hunt" 7-18-08

"The Hunt" was our DOG FART photo scavenger hunt. The group was devided into teams of two armed with a camera, a list of items and their imagination. "The Hunt" began at Fat Burger in Redmond, and took teams throughout Seattle and the surrounding areas, back to Redmond to go through our pictures and recieve awards. There were three teams that finished their hunt and scored over 200 points. The award for "TOP DOG" for finishing with the highest score and fastest time was Team Rottweiler (Shaggy and The Cliffinator). A close second was Team Doberman (Flash and Big Skies) and Team Pitbull (Ronnie and O1). Thanks to all the volunteers for being such good sports and making it such a fun adventure.

v 1.6 "Ruffin' It" 6/20-21/08

"Ruffin' It" was the first official DOG FART campout. It was held at Cascade Park, just outside Granite Falls, Washington on the South Fork of the Stillaguamish River. We were lucky to have many of the Puppy Farts with us on this adventure. So, to the surprise of many of the wives back at home, there were no accidents or injuries. And so ends another great and successful DOG FART adventure!

v 1.4 "Scared Straight" 4-18-08

Ode to the F.A.R.T

A fart is a pleasant thing, It gives the belly ease
It warms the bed in winter and suffocates the fleas.
A fart can be quiet, A fart can be loud
Some leave a powerful, Poisonous cloud
A fart can be short, Or a fart can be long,
Some farts have been known To sound like a song......
A fart can create A most curious medley,
A fart can be harmless, Or silent, and deadly.
A fart might not smell, While others are vile,
A fart may pass quickly, Or linger a while......
A fart can occur in a number of places,
And leave everyone there, With strange looks on their faces.
From wide-open prairie, To small elevators,
A fart will find all of Us sooner or later.
But farts are all bad, Is simply not true-
We must never forget....... The whole DOG FART crew
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